Botanical survey Flora Collection Books - MAX

Email Margaret

+61 8 9219 9046

+61 8 9334 0327
Street Address
17 Dick Perry Avenue, Technology Park, Western Precinct, Kensington WA 6151, Australia
Postal Address
Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983, Australia


I am a part time technical Officer working in Science Division under the direction of Dr Neil Gibson. My work involves technical support for botanical projects principally Flora Survey in the Biogeography Group.


  • Botanical survey
  • MAX flora collection books

Brief CV

I have a Bsc in Biology from Murdoch University.

I first joined the Department (then the Department of Conservation and Land Management) as a temporary technical assistant with the Metropolitan Region Office in July 1988. In October 1988 I was appointed as a permanent part time Technical Officer in Science Division.

Before joining the Department I worked as a Graduate Research Assistant in Environmental Science at Murdoch University, Research Assistant with Kings Park Board and Technical Assistant with Samson Engineering.


  • Botanical survey
    • Current projects:
      • Vouchering Pilbara Biological Survey Flora specimens
    • Recent projects:
      • Long term studies of post fire reproduction in an Australian shrubland and woodland  (Tutanning Nature Reserve). Fieldwork, database, identification support.
      • Flora survey of the Colville 1:100,000 map sheet area; northern Nullarbor. Fieldwork, identification, database, vouchering support.
      • Vascular Flora of the Peterswald Hill area, Great Victoria Desert. Identification, database, vouchering support.
      • Vascular Flora of Katjarra in the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area. Fieldwork, identification, database, vouchering support.

Publications (19)

Departmental Publications (19)

Found 19 items


Harvey JM, Hopkins AJM, Langley MA, Gosper CR, Williams MR, Yates CJ (2017). Long-term studies of post-fire reproduction in an Australian shrubland and woodland. Australian Journal of Botany 65, pp. 339–347


Gibson N, Langley M (2016). Flora survey of the Colville 1:100,000 map sheet area, northern Nullarbor. 30 p.

Gibson N, Sandiford EM, Langley M (2016). Vascular flora of the Peterswald Hill area, Great Victoria Desert: report for the Department of the Environment. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 52 p.

Harvey J, Langley M, Yates C, Hopkins A, Gosper C (2016). Long term, post fire dynamics of plant communities in the Western Australian wheatbelt (ABSTRACT). In ESA16 book of abstracts: Ecological Society of Australia, annual conference: Diversity: pattern, process and prospects, 28 November to 2 December 2016, Fremantle, Western Australia p. 10


Sampson JF, Hankinson M, McArthur S, Tapper S, Langley M, Gibson N, Yates C, Byrne M (2015). Long-term islands in the landscape: low gene flow, effective population size and genetic divergence in the shrub Hakea oldfieldii (Proteaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 179, p.


Gibson N, Langley MA, van Leeuwen S, Brown K (2014). Vascular flora of Katjarra in the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area: report to the Birriliburu native title claimants and Central Desert Native Title Services. Department of Parks and Wildlife, Kensington, WA. 37 p.


Gibson N, Langley MA (2012). Vascular flora of Credo Station and adjacent reserves: a report to the Bush Blitz Program, Australian Biological Resources Study. Department of Environment and Conservation, Kensington, WA. 30 p.

Gibson N, Yates C, Byrne M, Langley M, Thavornkanlapachai R (2012). The importance of recruitment patterns versus reproductive output in the persistence of a short-range endemic shrub in a highly fragmented landscape of south-western Australia. Australian Journal of Botany 60, p.


Langley M (2009). Additional flora survey data (1998, 1999) for addition to larger dataset for West Midlands study to generate phytogeographic units of sub-systems for the West Midlands, Western Australia. Department of Environment and Conservation, Woodvale, WA. 1 CD

Yates C, Byrne M, Gibson N, Langley M, Newman B, Sampson J, Stankowski S, Thavornkanlapachai R (2009). Assessing the long-term viability of the locally restricted species Calothamnus sp. Whicher and Hakea oldfieldii in a threatened ecological community near Busselton. Department of Environment and Conservation, Kensington, WA. 54 p.


Richardson J, Langley M, Meissner R, Hopkins A (2005). Biodiversity assessment and vegetation mapping of the northern agricultural region, Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA. 106 p.


Richardson J, Meissner R, Langley M (2004). Interim report: a preliminary biodiversity assessment of the northern agricultural region, Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Kensington, WA. 132 p.


Langley M (2002). Sprinklers protect Woodvale's buildings from wildfire. Conservation news Mar., p. 3


Clarke K, Langley M, Volunteers from the Bushland Plant Survey Project (2000). The vegetation and flora of the Acourt Road bushland, north Banjup, City of Canning, Jandakot Regional Botanic Park: for the Bannister Creek Catchment Group (Inc.). Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. 53 p.

Hopkins AJM, Langley MA (2000). West Midlands study: project status report. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 12 p.


Corbyn D, Hislop M, Langley M (1997). Plants of Kalannie-Goodlands, Shire of Dalwallinu, W.A.. Wildflower Society of Western Australia, Nedlands. 48 p.


Hopkins AJM, Friend GR, Langley MA, Harvey JM, Mitchell D, Johnson B (1995). Effects of fire on the biota of the Western Australian wheatbelt. I, background to the study.


Kelly AE, Taylor A, Langley MA, Spooner A, Coates DJ (1993). Declared rare flora and other plants in need of special protection in the metropolitan area. Western Australian Wildlife Management Program 10, 155 p.


Sokolowski R, Burrows N, Shearer B, Keighery G, Algar D, Friend A et al. [Langley M, Clift H] (1991). Interim guidelines for necessary operations for Woodvale Nature Reserve no. 30809. Department of Conservation and Land Management, 62 p.